Wow, I am really in the running for worst blogger in the world. This is my first “pic of the day” in like five weeks! This picture was from July 9, actually. Summer is really here.
Wow, I am really in the running for worst blogger in the world. This is my first “pic of the day” in like five weeks! This picture was from July 9, actually. Summer is really here.
Spending a Sunday on a sidewalk in Brentwood I saw a veritable parade of really cool dogs and their owners passing by. That being said, I have no pictures of any dogs or any sidewalk either, haha.
Wow I have been very terrible at keeping up with this pic of the day thing. But what else is new.
Just for fun, here’s another one. I was originally going to post it two weeks ago but never got around to doing it:
I don’t usually go for the blurry nothing is in focus shots but this is all I got. Well actually I got a backlog of shots I should have posted but haven’t yet so I guess I’ll start putting some of those up in the next few days, but I figured I’d just post this today since it was actually from today.
Today’s pic of the day is actually from April 12, taken on the way back from Vegas after my trip to the NAB trade show (which I probably should have made a blog post about a long time ago…). The riverboat-themed Nevada Landing casino has been gone for some time but its roadside marquee sign is still standing in Jean, Nevada.