By Bryan | Published:
February 16, 2010

Brakes whee ignment
Cool, old neon sign in Downey, across the street from the shop where I just got my new tires put on. Maybe I went a little overboard on the adjustments.
By Bryan | Published:
February 15, 2010

Yeah I missed a couple days and this one was a pretty lazy shot from my backyard that is almost exactly like another one I took a few years ago, haha. But hey, at least I made some effort to get it done, right?
The weather sure is fantastic now, though. All those dumbasses in Washington D.C. saying their snow storm is proof that global warming is a myth apparently didn’t know it was 80°F here today, haha.
By Bryan | Published:
February 12, 2010

New shoes
Haven’t had a chance to get ’em on yet though.
Posted in Pic of the day | Tagged cars, tires |
By Bryan | Published:
February 12, 2010

Two-Rise Combo
All stainless steel and made to order (!!!) while I waited at Modern Studio Equipment when it was out of stock this afternoon and I needed just one. I’m not sure how I feel about the type of knob they use on the retracting baby pin but overall this thing is beautiful. These guys rock.
And I gave up on trying to catch up on the missing day, haha.
By Bryan | Published:
February 10, 2010

Steeping the tea
Yeah actually today is February 10. I didn’t take any pictures yesterday. Or the day before that. Man I’m terrible at this “daily” thing, haha.
Posted in Pic of the day | Tagged tea |