My YouTube News Feed

As you can probably guess, this is a playlist of news clips I recently watched on YouTube.  I generally update this playlist once a day with stories from the past 24 hours.

This playlist will be mainly dedicated to international news stories with an emphasis on providing viewpoints from different sources around the world, so you may see the same story covered two or three times by different agencies on this playlist. However, I reserve the right to include clips that may be of interest only to me.

I am presently pulling from the following sources:

  • AFP
  • Al Jazeera English
  • Associated Press
  • BBC World News
  • CBS News Online
  • ReutersVideo
  • Russia Today
  • The New York Times

These are the main news agencies I’ve found that are regularly posting clips of international interest. I don’t really do much “editing” in my selection of clips other than generally favoring short clips that are 3 minutes or less, and wanting to keep the stories of international interest. However, I do feel the need to mention that Russia Today is pretty much a government mouthpiece, running many propagandistic fluff pieces, so bear that in mind!

I may also occasionally throw in a video from The Onion so keep your sarcasm detectors on!

– Bryan