By Bryan | Published:
August 30, 2008

- What We Do Is Secret
What you’re looking at over there is for me a very historic ticket stub! Today was the first time I saw my name in the credits of a movie that I had worked on, playing on a regular day, in a regular theater, to a regular audience. Not a one-time festival date full of people who worked on the film. Not some made-for-publicity theatrical premiere for a direct-to-DVD release, but just a plain old regular movie in its second week of play! And I have to say that it feels pretty good. I finally feel like I have worked on a “real” movie.
I wasn’t even sure that I would be credited at all as I had only worked on it for a few days on what I was told were re-shoots, but when I got to the credits roll at the end, I found myself credited as grip under the “Additional Photography” section.
The movie itself, I am actually proud to say, was pretty mediocre. And actually it was a lot better than I was expecting. At any rate, having been paid to work on even a mediocre movie playing in theaters in multiple cities is an achievement that 10 years ago would have seemed like an impossible fantasy to my college-aged self.
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By Bryan | Published:
July 21, 2008
Here are some more links for y’all:
Glumbert – USA vs Japan in the open a beer bottle with a helicopter contest:
This sport is definitely not environmentally sustainable, but these guys sure do have some mad skills!
What We Do is Secret – What We Do Is Secret premiere dates:
This is the second of the feature films I’ve worked on to actually get released to the public (not counting festivals) as well as the first to get a (non-festival) theatrical release (the other film was direct to DVD)! I don’t even know if I’m in the credits or not. But check the link to see if it’s playing in a theater near you. Just don’t get mad at me if it sucks, haha.
– Bryan
By Bryan | Published:
June 18, 2008
At long last a film I worked on has been released to the general public! Thus far all of the feature films I have worked on, if they have been completed at all, have only screened in front of festival audiences. But just a few minutes ago I stumbled upon the information that Just Add Water was released on DVD two weeks ago. I worked as a grip for a couple of days on it during the last couple days of reshoots two years ago to the day. That’s how long it sometimes takes to go from shooting on the set to my Netflix queue.
I don’t even know at this juncture if my name is even in the credits but I can’t wait to see the final product even if it was only deemed worthy of a direct to DVD release, haha. I was actually still in film school when I got this gig… so it seemed especially big time to me… hotel and even some gas money paid for, a huge grip truck with everything so no need to jury rig things when you always have the right tool for the job. But man it sure was hot out in the desert in June!
Anyways, it’s good to finally see that something I worked on is actually in a place were some people might actually see it!
UPDATE: I did indeed make it into the credits. Click for a bigger version:

I have included this screen shot to save you from watching the whole movie if you just wanted to see my name in there. Watching it was not exactly the most enjoyable experience of my life, haha.