Some more links for your enjoyment:
KEYE-TV (Austin) – Our democracy at work:
One vote one person? Maybe not so much in the Texas state legistlature.
James Duane talks about why you should never talk to the police under any circumstances, ever:
A pretty sobering talk about the 5th amendment. Even if you are completely innocent, and you only tell the truth, the police can, and will use what you say to convict you… and you can’t use what you said to help you!
Planetsave – New, Cost Effective Solar Energy Devices from MIT:
Some exciting developments in solar power technology making solar more efficient with very little added cost!
Reuters – Man auctions off his life, sale price disappoints:
I’m only mentioning this because the guy mentioned at the end of the article for selling his soul on ebay in 2001 is a good friend of mine, haha.
That’s all!